“We’re all friends here” - dance therapy participant

“I’ve never seen him smile so much, it brought tears to my eyes” - daughter describing her father in a care home session

Dance & Dementia

Dance as therapy

Dance and Dementia is an organisation aimed at increasing wellbeing by providing opportunities for people affected by dementia to engage physically, socially and emotionally through movement and dance.

Dance has long been recognised as providing a therapeutic benefit, a form of release and a means of expression. Using simple creative movements allows people to express something of their individuality.

“Even if movement is minimal it can still be full of meaning and expression.”

Jill Hayes, (2011) The Creative Arts in Dementia Care

Working with dance, movement and music, we are not relying on short-term memory or language skills but are focusing on people’s strengths, feelings and continuing abilities.

Benefits of using dance and movement:

  1. *provides a form of exercise with the associated health benefits

  2. *encourages social interaction, sharing and inclusion

  3. *builds and sustains relationships

  4. *provides opportunities for non-verbal communication

  5. *stimulates language

  6. *encourages individual expression and exploration of feelings

  7. *stimulates memories and provides opportunities for reminiscence

  8. *can boost self-esteem and confidence

  9. *it’s fun!